Bridging cross cultural Leaders from cohort Classes of 2015-16!
Over 100 leaders from the 2015-2016 Bridges programs came together on February 20th for the Second Annual Bridges Cross-Cohort Convening. Participants from the African American Leadership Academy, African Leadership Development Institute, Asian Pacific Islander Community Leadership Institute, Lead for Oregon, Slavic Leadership Development Project and Unid@s spent the day networking, building relationships and discussing cross-community issues and meaningful leadership. The convening was co-facilitated by trainers from Multnomah County’s Community Capacitation Center and alumni from each of the programs.
Member's of LEAD's current cohort
“This truly was incredible. Really, just the mere fact in bringing everyone together was and IS power in transformational change. My African & Asian brothers & sisters moved me - inspired me!” - Feb. 20th 2015-2016 Bridges Participant
“This is the first time that I have been in a room with a group/groups of people this diverse in Portland. I was able to get to know more about people, their issues, hardships, and joys.” - Feb. 20th Bridges Convening Participant
Members of UNID@S' current cohort
On behalf of the CCC and BRIDGES, we would like to thank all those individuals that supported and participated in this year's convening. More pictures will be posted in an online gallery on the CCC's website.
Coming Soon! Bridges Alumni Online Directory
Our growing network of Bridges alumni will soon reach over 400 skilled community leaders! This summer the CCC will launch an online directory to honor andshowcase these individuals and their work in our communities. The directory will also act as a public resource for alumni to network with each other, for external stakeholders to view and contact leaders, and support connecting alumni with ongoing leadership opportunities in Oregon.
For more information about BRIDGES please email Jessica Lee, Leadership Development Manager, at